8th Grade Theatre Connections class presents the 8th grade showcase - two short plays produced and performed by A and B Day. The shows will be back-to-back, and tickets are $5 for all guests at the door. Come out, and support our 8th grade students! You will be so impressed!
8 days ago, Conni Middleton Tane
monroe county fine arts center - sept 5 at 6pm - doors open at 530 pm - tickets are 5 at the door - cash or check only - names of plays
Only a few more days to order! The MCMS Chorus COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER is underway! August 21 - September 4 Find an MCMS Chorus student or email Ms. Monahan at kelley.monahan@mcschools.org to get your cookie dough. #monroecountymiddle #chorus #fundraiser #cookiedough
13 days ago, Conni Middleton Tane
Only a few more days to order - MCMS cookie dough fundraiser - The MCMS Chorus COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER is underway -   August 21 - September 4  Find an MCMS Chorus student or email Ms. Monahan  to get your cookie dough.
Attention 7th grade parents: Emails were sent out last week to 7th grade parents whose students are missing updated certificates of immunization, and as of today, we still have over 200 outstanding. As a reminder, the deadline is September 1, and students must have the updated Georgia Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 in order to remain in school . If a student isn't up to date with the immunizations, including the MCV4 and TDAP, you will need to make an appointment with your child's doctor. Please get these in ASAP to prevent any interruption in your student's enrollment. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter if you haven't already submitted the required form. *If you did not receive an email last week, your student is likely up to date, but please check your spam folder to be sure.
16 days ago, Conni Middleton Tane
vaccinated - blank ga certificate of immunization form 3231
Please note that effective Monday, August 12, carpool pick up will begin using the number system. The black numbers that students currently have will no longer be utilized; however, new ones will be distributed today and tomorrow. Thank you for your compliance in placing these numbers in a prominent, visible spot and for your patience with our efforts to make carpool as seamless and efficient as possible.
about 1 month ago, Conni Middleton Tane
MCMS template carpool number 001
Volunteers welcomed and appreciated! Now is a great time to beat the rush! Before the field trip, before the class party, before the teacher asks for help... go ahead and complete the Volunteer Approval Process today. Scan the QR code for more details or go to our website and click the "Volunteer" icon to begin! Thank you in advance for your partnership and investment in our schools!
about 2 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
VOLUNTEER PROCESS All volunteers must complete our online volunteer training every year If needed, visit the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for an updated background check Monday - Friday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Once approved, you will receive a volunteer badge from your designated school. scan this to begin good info to know
Please join us in congratulating another MCMS Jr. Beta Club member - drum roll, please ... Molly Gifford has won 4th place in the nation for her fiber arts version of Starry Night. Way to go, Molly! We are so proud and excited for you! We appreciate your creativity and effort!
3 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
beta - a voyage of adventure - fiber arts - congrats
Big congratulations to Foster Groebner who placed 4th in the nation in academic testing for 8th grade Science! We are so proud of his commitment and effort in preparing for this competition and hope you will all join us in a virtual high five!
3 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
8th grade science - beta - a voyage of adventure - welcome to savannah
Best of luck to Molly Gifford who is competing at Jr. Beta Nationals today! She won first place at the November state competition in the area of Fiber Arts, and we are extremely proud of her. We know she'll do great today and continue to represent MCMS well!
3 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
beta a voyage of adventure - fiber arts - good luck
Back in November, the MCMS Jr. Beta Club attended the State Convention, and our Quiz Bowl team placed 3rd in state and Top 16 in the nation qualifying them to compete at Nationals! Jonah Biers, Ben Gutierrez, Gracie Leatherwood, and Foster Groebner will go to Savannah on Tuesday, and we are proud of them for representing us so well! Please join us in wishing them lots of luck!
3 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
quiz bowl - beta a voyage of adventure - good luck
We currently have about 20 extra yearbooks, and in an effort to be fair with the sale of these extras, Mrs. Rogers will be set up by the front office on Friday, May 17, at 7:15 am. First come, first served. $35 Exact cash only No exceptions
4 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
extra mcms yearbooks - very limited supply - friday may 17 715 am - mcms front office 35 dollars - first come first serve cash only exact change
Please mark your calendars for MCMS Honors Night! Thursday, May 16, 2024 FINE ARTS CENTER 6th & 7th grade - 5:30 IN THE evening (Honorees should arrive by 4:45 & will be dismissed at 6) 8th grade - 6:30 IN THE evening (Honorees should arrive by 5:45) Invitations for students receiving an honor will be sent home with them on May 10. Please check with your child to see if he/she received an invitation to attend. We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
MONROE COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL honors night - 6th 7th and 8th grades THURSDAY MAY 16 2024 FINE ARTS CENTER 6TH AND 7TH GRADE - 530 IN THE AFTERNOON HONOREES SHOULD ARRIVE BY 445 AND WILL BE DISMISSED AT 6 - 8TH GRADE - 630 IN THE AFTERNOON -	HONOREES SHOULD ARRIVE BY 545 - Invitations for students receiving an honor will be sent home with them on May 10 - Please check with your child to see if he/she received an invitation to attend
Today and every day, we appreciate our principal, Dr. Yarber! This day was created to "recognize the importance of principals and all the work they do for the betterment of the school," and this is the perfect day to thank him for all he's done through the years to support our MCMS staff and students! It's a great day to be a Monroe County Middle School Bulldog!
4 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
picture of Dr. Yarber
Please join us tomorrow for our Spring Title I Input/Review Meeting - - Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - Drop in anytime 7:30-9:30 in the morning OR 2:30-6 pm in the afternoon - MCMS Data Room We value your input and would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
Spring Title I Input/Review Meeting – Wednesday April 17 2024 - drop in 7:30-9:30 aM OR 230-6 PM mcms dATA ROOM – topics of discussion - Our school's & district’s Parental Involvement Policy Our school’s School-Parent Compact How should our school spend Title 1 funds Our school’s Schoolwide plan/School Improvement Plan Suggestions for building capacity for parents  staff
Check out this beautiful Monroe County Tray of the Week from Monroe County Middle School! This delicious meal featured USDA Spicy Whole Muscle Crispy Chicken Chunks, Creamy Ranch Mashed Potatoes & Lima Beans. Students also had a choice of Fresh Fruit: GA Grown Dickey Farm Strawberries, Granny Smith Apple or Banana #FuelingGA #GATrayoftheweek
5 months ago, Monroe County Schools
School lunch featuring chicken, potatoes, lima beans and fresh fruit
Please help us to support this local organization. Bring $1 to school on Friday, April 12, to wear your favorite hat! All proceeds from this hat day will be donated to Anchor of Hope Foundation. Thank you in advance for participating!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
it's hat day for anchor of hope - bring one dollar to wear your favorite hat on friday april 12 2024
While this week has been our Spring Break, it has also been National Assistant Principals Week, a celebration of the unsung heroes in our education system. These dedicated folks work tirelessly to bolster teachers, motivate students, support their principal, create a positive learning community, and face the many unpredictable challenges that land on their desk. Assistant Principals play a crucial role, and this week is a dedicated time to recognize them for their hard work and commitment to our schools, students, and profession. Please join us in celebrating these incredible school leaders! Thank you, Mr. Griffin and Dr. Walker!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
pics of Mr. Griffin and Dr. Walker
Thank you, Mrs. Vance, for keeping us interested in reading! On National Media Specialist Appreciation Day and every day, we celebrate you and the way you work so hard for our students! Enjoy your week away!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
we love our media specialist mrs. vance
Please join us for our next Quarterly Parent Workshop when our counselors, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Hilton, and our instructional coach, Ms. Nelson, will discuss test taking skills and combatting test anxiety. Friday, April 12 8:30 am or 12:30 pm MCMS Media Center Hope to see you!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
Quarterly Parent Workshop Test Taking Skills and Combating Test Anxiety - with our counselors and instructional coach - friday april 12 830 or 1230 mcms media center
We may be on spring break, but we can't let the day pass without celebrating our fabulously amazing MCMS paras on National Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! We truly value all you do for our staff and our students. Hope you're all enjoying a restful, relaxing week!
5 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
paraprofessional- if you think my hands are full you should see my heart
Congrats to our MCMS boys soccer team on winning another championship! On Wednesday, March 27, the Bulldogs defeated Upson Lee 3-1 to claim the title for the fourth year in a row. The future looks bright for soccer at Mary Persons! We are proud of you! Go Dogs!
6 months ago, Conni Middleton Tane
mcms soccer 21 22 23 24